3 Quotes & Sayings By Hasidic Saying

A Hasidic saying is a proverb that has become part of the Jewish (or Yiddish) culture. It is not an original Jewish work, but rather one that has been adopted by Jews through popular usage. It is most often inscribed on the wall of a synagogue, or on the inside of a Torah or prayer book cover. The inscription is usually in Hebrew or Yiddish (or sometimes both) and reads: "A man's true liturgy is his daily prayer."

Even in the deepest sinking there is the hidden purpose of an ultimate rising. Thus it is for all men from none is the source of light withheld unless he himself withdraws from it. Therefore the most important thing is not to despair. Hasidic Saying
For the unlearned old age is winter for the learned it is the season of the harvest. Hasidic Saying